"Hooked On A Feeling: Kirby Krackle Provides The Soundtrack For Marvel / Disney XD's Animated Guardians Of The Galaxy" - Comics Alliance (link) 

“As geek-culture goes mainstream, Kirby Krackle is defining the sound for it...absolutely certain to get stuck in your head.”       iO9/Gizmodo (link) 

“Geek Rock Perfection” - WIRED

“...ridiculously cool, addictively, sing-able tunes about comics, gaming, love, and, well...everything that being a geek is about.” - MTV (Link) 

"I was floored, not just with the subject matter but how great the songs are! In all seriousness, you have to check these guys out!" - Joe Quesada (Marvel Comics Chief Creative Officer)

 "Kirby Krackle is the comics-rock king" - Las Vegas Seven

"For nearly seven years Kirby Krackle has been proving themselves to be one of the preeminent nerd-rock bands" - Comics Alliance

"Nerds need music that provides an emotional punch too, and it just doesn't get much better than this." - SYFY Network 

"Music To Marvel By: Marvel Comics Talks To Kirby Krackle About What Comics Inspired Him Growing Up The Most" - Marvel Main Page - (link) 

"Kirby Krackle's songs are "sensitive, sarcastic, cerebral, lecherous testaments of the timeless outsider sensibility of indie rock, channeled though obsessively omnipresent references."  - Adam McGovern from the Jack Kirby Collector

"What stands out is their power to make the nerdiness accessible to everyone through solid hooks and catchy tunes." - Alan Cross

"You guys are weird, you know that?" - Kyle's Grandma


